Thursday 3 January 2013

Being someone's reason to smile or to be happy is just so priceless =) (Free Write)

Hello ! (whoever happy people reading this ~) Today was the first day school for 2013 and we got most of our exam's results. And I wasn't so happy with what I got -_- . But I told myself that I should not feel so bad and don't give up trying/studying and start to think of the bright side of my life =).Yah ... I got some low grade in some subjects but that should never make me feel low or less like a normal student of course. We learn from our mistakes, however, we should not repeat the same mistake over and over again's already a stupidity. Unfortunately some people tend to do their old mistakes again and again (like me sometimes..) maybe it's fine if you encounter the same mistakes again as long as you learn more from it.

Alright, last few days during the vacation I've been having an annoying negative thoughts in my mind (family stuff). No matter how many times I try to think of positive things that "reason" is still bothering me. And what's weird (not so weird though) about myself is that every time I have problems I never talk about it to anyone I just keep it to myself and I actually try to spend my time talking to God (not obvious right xD) about them (you know he's a good listener and he'll never fail to amaze you no matter how hard your problem is, trust him and hand them to him and everything shall be fine (= ..) And what's awesome about that is; even I'm sort of in the midst of trial and whatever negative things around me I can still make someone happy and special which really .... makes me sooo happy as well . Knowing that you're not just blessed but also a blessing to other people's life is just so ASFGHJKGFDDFYTGYHUJLKJHHGDT :"> overwhelming indeed, making some people happy in your own simple ways, making someone keep going by giving them your life advice, and more =).

iFact: Someone whom I had a chance to make feel happy, smile and feel special are one of the things that inspire me and think of more good thought.

true that.

"Keep, swimming"-Finding Nemo

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